Invoice Pad Printing
Your business however large or small has to invoice customers in order to survive. At Nova Press, we do a range of pads primarily duplicate but can also print triplicate in A5 and A4 sizes.
Each pad has a wrap over cover or dust cover if you prefer which allows you to slip under the invoice your printing on to keep one below dirt free it also stops the wording in some cases showing through to the next invoice.
Pads consists of 50 sets now this is 50 white top sheets printed which go to the customer and the one underneath is your file copy. They can be numbered in some cases we perforate them if the customer requests.
Prices start from £8.00 per pad for A4 and a minimum of 5 pads is needed. A5 start from £6.00 and again a minimum of 5 pads is required. Stock books shown can also be made to order. They start at £15.00 each. For more information please call or email us.
Below are photos typical of our invoice pads available should you want your own details on them then this can be added to for an additional charge.